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January 2025

Two friends - one American, one Canadian - who share a love for CBC's Canada Reads and Canadian Literature in general have released their Top 10 Books of 2024. Rebecca, from Canada Reads American Style, has chosen mostly fiction titles and Tara, from On a Branch, has chosen mostly non-fiction. 

Thanks ladies for all you do to support authors through your book reviews and The Canada Reads American Style Podcasts. Special thanks to Rebecca who included The Ginny Ross Series as her number 1 choice. Listen to the whole episode or their discussion about a particular book. The Ginny Ross Series runs from 6:27 to 8:58.  Enjoy! ​

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December 2024

Wishing you the happiest of holidays!

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November 2024

I had a wonderful time at the Davedi Artisan Show on Saturday, November 2nd from 10 to 4 pm as well as the North Bay City Streets Christmas Artisan House Tour on Saturday, November 23rd. 

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October 2024

This holiday season, you can find me at the Davedi Artisan Show on Saturday, November 2nd from 10 to 4 pm as well as the North Bay City Streets Christmas Artisan House Tour on Saturday, November 23rd. 


September 2024

Before the warmth of summer is completely gone, I want to thank everyone who made my Beyond Amelia stops so enjoyable. It was wonderful to meet many readers and to visit all the beautiful stores, museums and libraries on the way.

Thanks to Railway Coastal Museum, Humpday Market, Hotel Harbour Grace, Conception Bay Museum, Harbour Grace, Carbonear Public Library, Woozles, Dartmouth Book Exchange, Carrefour Atlantic Emporium and the Puffin Gallery, and Mount Pearl Public Library (Ross King Memorial).

August 2024

Thank you to everyone who attended the Beyond Amelia Book Launch last month at The Hotel Harbour Grace in Newfoundland. It was wonderful to visit with family and friends, both old and new.

July 2024

While I was in Town of Harbour Grace for the launch of Beyond Amelia, the third book in the Ginny Ross Series, David Hebbard from Aviation History Newfoundland and Labrador made this video to celebrate Amelia Earhart's role in early aviation in Newfoundland.

I particularly like the way David interspersed images of Harbour Grace today with historical images of Amelia's flight. She took off on her successful solo transatlantic flight from the Harbour Grace Airstrip on May 20, 1932. Also included in David's interview are references to Under Amelia's Wing, the second book in the series, and Beyond Amelia, the third book in the Ginny Ross Series.

Thanks, David!

June 2024

If you're an Amelia fan, the Amelia Earhart Hangar Museum is the place to be! What a thrill to see the sister plane to the Lockheed Electra 10E that Amelia flew in her around-the-world attempt.

Thank you to the Amelia Earhart Festival for giving me the opportunity to experience the hangar museum and to share my books with local readers. Head over to the Facebook page for the photo captions. 

May 2024

Thanks to friends and family who came out to North Bay Library to hear about Beyond Amelia, the final book in my Ginny Ross series. We had a great day!

April 2024

Now that Beyond Amelia is available, more reviews are arriving. Thanks to Sue Slade at the Dartmouth Book Exchange and Jenn at jenn_bookfiend for their positive reviews. 

See Sue's review in the Miramichi Reader                   See Jenn's review on Instagram

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March 2024

For Women's History Month, I'm happy to share this video about the Amelia Earhart Hangar Museum In Atchison, Kansas. Amelia's birthplace annually honours her contributions to aviation and gender equity.

This year, I've been invited to the Festival, July 18-21, to share Beyond Amelia, the third book in my Ginny Ross series. I can't wait to experience this amazing museum in person!

Video is from Kansas Tourism


 "This National Women's History Month, we're celebrating a Kansas aviation icon. In 1932, Amelia Earhart became the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic, soaring into the history books as a symbol of female empowerment. A new museum in her hometown of Atchison honors her legacy by inspiring everyone to go after their dreams".

February 2024 

Thank you Rebecca from Canada Reads American Style for your kind review on Instagram! You can find Rebecca's profile here:

Rebecca's review:

Over the course of two weeks, I read the Ginny Ross series: Amelia & Me; Under Amelia’s Wing; and Beyond Amelia (April 16, 2024) by Heather Stemp, and I encourage young readers and adults alike to read all three in order.

In Amelia & Me, Stemp has written a captivating historical novel that weaves in real-life stories of her family from Harbour Grace, Newfoundland and their encounter with Amelia Earhart. Main character Ginny Ross is 12 years old and has decided that she wants to be a pilot despite that in 1932 the world was still reeling from the Depression and aviation was not a traditional path for females. Ginny’s passion, stubbornness, and courage are reminiscent of PEI’s Anne of Green Gables.

Under Amelia’s Wing finds Ginny at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana in 1936 pursuing a degree in mechanical engineering and a pilot’s license. Amelia Earhart is also at Purdue serving as a counselor on careers for women and an advisor in the aeronautical engineering department. Their relationship continues until that fateful round-the-world flight.

In the third and final book in the series, Beyond Amelia, it is now 1940 and Ginny is contemplating how she can contribute to the war effort in Europe, especially after watching all of her friends fit neatly into their gender-specific roles.

Stemp has written an exciting, compelling, well-researched series for all ages. Whether the setting is Harbour Grace, Newfoundland, West Lafayette, Indiana, or a white-washed cottage in Ireland, the reader is transported to the time and place in fine detail. So fine, in fact, that I am now diving into all things Earhart-related and planning a pilgrimage to Purdue to view the Amelia Earhart Collection and then to Kansas to see the Amelia Earhart Birthplace Museum, Archives, and Hangar Museum.

Five stars for each book in the series!

Thank you Nimbus Publishing and Vagrant Press for the Beyond Amelia ARC. 2.jpeg

January 2024

A sneak peek behind the desk. Beyond Amelia hits shelves on April 16th. Stay tuned for upcoming updates, events and news.


December 2023

'Tis the season for friends and family. 

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October 2023

Thank you to Marsha J. Skrypuch for your wonderful shoutout!


"In the lead up to #IReadCanadian day, here's a shout-out to Heather Stemp and her wonderful Amelia/Ginny Ross novels, starting with Amelia and Me. This book is about the indomitable spirit of a young girl in the 1930s who dreams of being a pilot. This book should be read by everyone who is facing daunting odds. Such a good book! And Heather herself is such an inspiration.

ps -- note that this is a library copy. I own the book but withdrew this copy from the library to increase its circulation. Did you know that Canadian authors are remunerated when their books are withdrawn from public libraries? More on that in the comments". 


Summer 2023

It has been a busy summer but Beyond Amelia is finished. The cover art is being finalized and I'll share that as soon as I can. In the meantime, here is a sneak peek at the first page of the book.

The advanced reading copies will be sent out this fall and the book will be available in the spring of 2024. I can't wait to share it with all of you!


February 2023

As a panelist, with the topic, "Teachers as Life-Long Learners", I had a great experience at the Queen's University Educational Conference. I donated Amelia & Me and Under Amelia's Wing as prizes in a raffle to raise funds for a community music program for children. Here I am with the winner, Andrew Chin.

March 2023

What a good time I had sharing stories about early aviation in Harbour Grace, Newfoundland with Matthew McCarthy. He is the Economic Development Officer for the town of Harbour Grace. Our interview will be part of a virtual exhibit developed by the Conception Bay Museum, with funding from Digital Museums Canada. The tentative title is, "Alone Among the Stars: Aviation in Harbour Grace, 1919 to the Present Day. Can't wait to see it! I'll let everyone know when it's available for viewing.

January 2023
I'm excited to be included as a panelist in QCE (Queen's Education Conference) 2023. It will be held from Feb 3-5th at the University. Click the image below for the full list of panelists. 


December 2022

November 2022

The Artisan's Way Market was a great success! Thank you to everyone that joined me at B Real Studios.